Pashin Mikhail A.,

PhD of Biological Sciences

«Pancreobiliar. system correction by Malavit and Vetom 3 used separately and in combination in nonspecific gastroenteritis in piglets»

Aim and objectives

Aim: To study the structural response of the pancreobiliar system, clinical and biochemical blood values in gastroenteritis in pigs and after the use of MALAVIT and VETOM 3 both separately and in their combination.
1. To study the clinical and biochemical changes in the blood of the weaned pigs with nonspecific gastroenteritis;
2. To study the structural disorders of the liver and pancreas in nonspecific gastroenteritis;
3. To study the clinical and biochemical parameters of blood in weaned piglets under the treatment of non-specific gastroenteritis with the use of MALAVIT and VETOM 3 separately and in combination;
4. To study the effects of MALAVIT and VETOM 3 separately and their combined use on structural state of the liver and pancreas in weaned piglets with gastroenteritis;
5. To give a cost-effectiveness analysis of the applied therapeutic methods.

The practical significance and implementation of the findings

The experimental data on changes in clinical and biochemical blood values, as well as the clinical and morphological changes in the liver and pancreas have expanded the understanding of the etiopathogenesis of nonspecific gastroenteritis in weaned piglets.
The data obtained can be used in therapeutic practice of veterinarians, in educational activities to give lectures and practicals at veterinary faculties of higher and secondary educational institutions.
The obtained experimental data on the effects of the applying of MALAVIT and VETOM 3 separately and in combination on the clinical and biochemical blood picture, as well as on pancreobiliar system in weaned piglets are of practical value. Information on the morphological changes of the liver and pancreas has expanded the knowledge of pharmacological and therapeutic properties of the studied drugs applied in nonspecific gastroenteritis.
The administrated doses of the studied drugs were tried and tested in weaned piglets and can be recommended to veterinary services to be used on pig farms.